Posted on Tuesday, December 04 @ 01:00:00 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh lararatu
Oleh: Auditor
Pada hari ini saya ingin dedahkan sesuatu yang sebenarnya kita tak ambil endah pun. Walaupun tiap tahun kita menyambut hari isra' mikraj, pergi masjid, dengar ceramah tentang isra' mikraj, kebanyakkan dari kita hanya TAKLID semata-mata.
Bila ada orang tanya tentang keshahihan, semua pakat marah-marah, sedangkan diri sendiri tak tau jawapannya. Dalam diri bergoncang persoalan yang sama. Tapi, pernahkah kita berani untuk membongkar jawapan? Ramainya berkata tidak kerana bagi mereka, percaya membuta tuli itu lebih baik.
Tahukah anda, tiap kejadian dalam sejarah islam dan kandungan Quran itu untuk di fikirkan? Andai ianya untuk di simpan, lebih baik Quran itu tidak di bukukan ketika zaman khalifah uthman r.a.
Kebanyakkan kita kini hendak menunggu ustaz-ustaz atau pak lebai memberi penerangan, tapi apa yang saya lihat, kebanyakkannya lebih suka bercerita politik dan hukum feqah.
Tahukah anda bahawa selama 13 tahun Rasullullah menyebar islam untuk mengukuh Keimanan. 10 tahun untuk mengukuh syariah (feqah, undang-undang, kenegaraan). Sesungguhnya, kita kini hampir binasa kerana telah hilang 13 tahun itu dalam diri masing-masing.
Maaf dari saya yang tidak seberapa ini. Apapun, saya berikan kepada anda, wallpaper 'world as old lady' untuk memberi keyakinan kepada anda tentang bukti isra mikraj.
(bahkan, siapa yang tahu, tiap kedudukan pada figure itu terdapat peristiwa dan rahsia yang menarik.
Kenapa ADAM a.s diturunkan di INDIA yakni tempat penyusuan sebagaimana anak kecil yang baru lahir, Kenapa Mekah sebagai pusat, kenapa Jerusalem sampai kini sering di rebut kerana sabda nabi pernah berkata tentang, barang siapa yang berjaya menguasai jerusalem, dia akan menguasai dunia.
Last sekali tentang Jantung... Ketahuilah tentang jantung, kerana dari situ darah bermula. Darah itu membawa memori, darah itu membawa DNA, darah itu membawa kehidupan. Andai tiba saat mati, semua darah akan kembali ke jantung.)
Kerana itu pembongkaran monument di tanah lama ini di rahsiakan kerana pihak kafir dan dengki akan 'menyerang' malaysia. Kerana ketidaksediaan dan dalam proses 'maju'lah kita tidak mahu bergaduh dengan sesiapa. Tapi ketahuilah kita bahawa dalam ketidaksediaan itu, di tanah ini telah di siapkan dengan pelbagai lapisan pelindung. Sebagaimana jantung, itulah perlindungan terjadi. Jadi, anda boleh meneka, andai di tanya; 'kenapa malaysia terlepas dari lingkaran gunung berapi walaupun sekelilingnya penuh gunung berapi maut?'
Sumber: Nusanaga"
Santai bersama Denang: nak Potong telinga dan terjun sungai Pahang
Posted on Tuesday, December 04 @ 00:33:01 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh lararatu
Oleh: senik
MB Pahang Adnan yaakob(Denang), samseng kampung Dusun bertempik di PAU akan potong telinga dan terjun sungai Pahang kalau DAP menang di Bentong.
Gedebe Denang tapi awalnya sajerlah kerana sehari lepas tu, dia olah semula kata katanya apabila mendakwa kata katanya itu hanyalah kiasan bagi menunjukkan DAP tidak boleh menang di Bentong. Kiasan apa ke jadahnya, ada tak guru bahasa yang boleh mengesahkannya?Denang barangkali tak tengok perhimpunan hijau yang berlansung sebelum PAU. Tak tengok bagaimana rakyat dari seluruh negara hadir di Ibu Negara bagi menyatakan sokong dengan isu Lynas, sebab tulah denang kata Lynas hanya isu di Kuantan sahaja. Begok!!!
Agak sukar menerima kata denang nak potong telinga dan terjun sungai Pahang itu sebagai kiasan kerana DBP sendiripun tidak pernah mengeluarkan bentuk kiasan sedemikian rupa. Lagipun ianya kelihatan seperti cabaran yang perlu dibuktikan kalau peristiwa yang membawa kepada cabaran itu terjadi.
Lantaran itu secara santai, ayuh kita bayangkan DAP menang di Bentong pada PRU 13 nanti. Denang pula membuktikan dirinya genteman dengan menunaikan cabarannya itu. Maka Terpotonglah telinga denang dan selepas itu dia terjun ke sungai Pahang,arakian, berenanglah Denang di sungai Pahang, sungai terpanjang di semenanjung.
Tetapi genteman ker Denang?kalau awal awal lagi dia dah play safe sesudah membuat cabaran yang agak melulu?Barangkali Denang kenalah berdoa banyak banyak agar DAP kalah di Bentong!"
Polis Malaysia Patut Contoh Polis Amerika ini!!
Posted on Monday, December 03 @ 21:38:44 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjualCendol
Oleh PulakDah
Seorang anggota polis New York menjadi terkenal selepas gambarnya memberikan sepasang kasut but kepada seorang gelandangan tersebar di internet. Pemuda berusia 25 tahun dan bertugas di bahagian anti-pengganas ini telah “menghangatkan” seluruh warga Amerika dengan sifat mulianya ini.
Seperti yang diceritakan oleh seorang pemerhati, Jennifer Foster pada waktu gambar itu diambil suhu udara begitu dingin sekitar 3 darjah Celcius ketika dia sedang melakukan rondaan di sekitar pusat membeli belah di Time Square New York. Ketika itu anggota polis ini melihat seorang gelandangan tanpa sepasang karut...dan kakinya sudah mula kelihatan kebiruan kerana kesejukan. Tidak lama kemudian seorang anggota polis datang sambil membawa bungkusan plastik.
Anggota polis ini duduk dihadapan pengemis ini dan memberikan sepasang kasut but yang baru sahaja dibelinya. Setelah kasut bersama stokin diberikan kepada pengemis tersebut, anggota polis tersebut sempat berpesan kepada pengemis tersebut supaya berhati-hati dan menjaga diri.
Anggota Polis New York Lawrence DePrimo dan Jennifer Foster, wanita yang bertanggungjawab merakamkan saat dia membantu pengemis yang kesejukan di dalam rancangan temubual Today.
Rakaman CCTV kedai kasut menunjukkan saat anggota polis itu membeli kasut dan stokin untuk pengemis tersebut.
Seorang pekerja di kedai kasut tersebut menunjukkan jenis kasut yang dibeli oleh anggota polis kepada pengemis yang kesejukan.
Jennifer Foster yang tersentuh dengan peristiwa tersebut segera merakamkan saat yang dianggapnya sangat mengharukan itu tanpa disedari oleh anggota polis dan pengemis tersebut lalu memuat naik ke dalam Facebooknya.
New York Times kemudiannya mengenalpasti bahawa identiti anggota polis tersebut adalah Lawrence DePrimo berusia 25 tahun dan bertugas di bahagian polis anti-keganasan. Kebesaran hatinya apabila menyumbangkan kasut tersebut kepada pengemis itu telah dijadikan simbol kemanusiaan…
Lawrence ketika ditemubual oleh New York Daily News menceritakan…"Saya yang sedang memakai kasut pun turut merasakan kesejukan, apatah lagi jika orang itu tidak memakai kasut."
Lalu saya menghampiri pengemis tersebut dan menanyakan dimana kasutnya ... lalu pengemis itupun menjawab “Semua baik-baik saja…saya belum pernah mempunyai kasut....semoga Tuhan memberkati anda kerana bertanyakan hal ini..."
Lawrence segera bergegas ke kedai kasut dan membeli stokin bersama kasut but pada harga USD 75 sebelum kemudiannya kembali semula kepada pengemis tersebut dan menyarungkan sendiri stokin dan kasut itu ke kaki pengemis tersebut.
Malah dia turut menjemput pengemis itu utk minum kopi panas tapi menolaknya sambil berkata…"Tuan sudah melakukan sesuatu yang cukup banyak berbuat diri saya…. semogaTuhan memberkati anda…saya suka anda..”
Banyak lagi cerita menarik di
Hudud FAQ
Posted on Monday, December 03 @ 21:31:36 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjualCendol
Oleh BBQ1: What is “Hudud Law”?
The actual term is the Islamic Penal Code System or in Arabic called Jinayah. Hudud fall under the Jinayah or in other words it is a part of Jinayah. Jinayah is consist of several parts; Hudud (the mandatory punishment), Qisas (the reciprocate punishment) and Takzir (any other was not covered by Hudud and Qisas). The offenses listed under hudud are:
The actual term is the Islamic Penal Code System or in Arabic called Jinayah. Hudud fall under the Jinayah or in other words it is a part of Jinayah. Jinayah is consist of several parts; Hudud (the mandatory punishment), Qisas (the reciprocate punishment) and Takzir (any other was not covered by Hudud and Qisas). The offenses listed under hudud are:
1) Theft (Sariqah) 2) Robbery (Hirabah) 3) Fornication (Zina) 4)Adultery (Zina Ghiru Muhsan) 5) Apostacy (Murtad) 6) False accusation of acts of indecency on a man or woman (Qazaf) 7) Rebellion against a legitimate government without any strong justification (Bughah). In simpler terms and modern terms, the Hudud is list of offenses that will invoke mandatory punishment.
Q2: Why is Hudud law so archaic and medieval in nature? Isn't stoning a person to death considered as medieval?
The Islamic Penal Code and Hudud is not archaic or medieval. On the other hand, one is correct to say that it is OLD. The punishment in hudud is in fact as old as the crime that it is prescribed to.
has to admit that crimes like fornication, adultery, homosexuality,
theft, robbery and the rest are not crimes of MODERN and CONTEMPORARY
origins as opposed to crimes like running a red light or speeding.
Q3: The implementation of Hudud laws is not suitable for this day and age
Q3 is asked in this day and age due to the rehabilitation practice for
crime offenders. In other words the prevalent and current doctrine for
crime-control practice throughout the whole world is REHABILITATIVE in
The Islamic Penal Code uses a completely different philosophy in which it emphasizes on PREVENTION rather then REHABILITATION.
measure of success in Islamic Crime control approach depends on the
reduction of crime in a society or community. In other words, the lower
the crime rate the more successful we are at controlling crime.
current practice of rehabilitation relies heavily on how many crime
offenders are being brought back to the right path while they are put in
jail at the expense of the public.
2) When hudud
was introduced to the general public, naturally it invites a lot of
surprises from the public considering that we have been exposed to one
doctrine of crime control all this while.
3) Also, justice transcends the boundary of time and therefore is enshrined so in hudud. Who is to say what fits and what does not fit in these day and age.
There is sufficient civil and criminal legislation in the current
Malaysian laws that covers the crimes mentioned in the Terengganu Hudud Laws
Unfortunately, acts like fornication, adultery, intoxication,
accusation of fornication/adultery are not acts deemed as a crime under
the current Malaysian Penal Code. Therefore, there is no sufficient
provisions according to Islam, governing the law in the Malaysian Penal
Pakistan experience shows that the law is cruel and unjust to women
especially. The case of Zafran Bibi is an example of injustice of the
hudud law in Pakistan.
0The case of Zafran Bibi was quoted in the statement. By referring to a report by Guardian
at,11581,714166,00.html , here are a few interesting details to be highlighted:
Bibi was sentenced to stoning for the fact that she had named at first
Akmal Khan, a villager involved in a long-running dispute with her
family, her neighbor, as her rapist. She then changed her testimony by
naming her brother in-law, Jamal, 15 years old, as the rapist.
1The fact that the alleged rapist was a 15 year old boy
fact that her claim as being raped cannot be taken by the court as she
has perjure herself and thus destroy every bit of credibility left in
3The fact that she tried to incriminate an innocent man
4The fact that her lawyers were stunned shows that such a conviction was not common.
5The fact that there exist no medical evidence proving her claim of rape.
The claim that Zafran Bibi was convicted due to her accusation of rape
which constitutes a confession of the crime of zina. If one were to
examine the full details of the case one can deduce that the conviction
was due to the fact that :
0The pregnancy was actually the main proof of conviction being that Zafran was pregnant while her husband was in jail.
accusation of rape was taken into account due to the fact that she
CHANGED her testimony and thus perjures herself in the process. If there
was no perjury then her testimony might hold some weight in the case.
Her accusation of rape was then deemed as a form of confession.
According to the prosecutor:
made herself guilty in that statement when she clearly admits she had
committed zina [adultery] with her brother-in-law,' said Kurshid Anwar, a
prosecutor in the case. 'There was no mark of violence on her body. It
was the right decision as long as the law exists.' “
tried to incriminate an innocent man. This actually is a proof that
necessitates Section 9 of the Terengganu Hudud Bill that protects men
from being wrongfully accused.
The case of Zafran also points out that the so call 4 witnesses was not
taken into consideration when it comes to rape under hudud. This is
because in the judgement written by Judge Anwar Ali Khan, no reference
was made to the fact that there exist no 4 witnesses in this case.
Furthermore, the case is expected to be overturned by the Federal
Syariah Court
There are other cases in Pakistan of similar type was thrown out by the
courts due to strong suspicions that sexual acts occurred in a
consenting manner. Yet it was never referred to skeptics of the Hudud law.
The Terengganu Syariah bill has dealt with the issue of rape
accordingly which has led to the Amendments to Section 9 of the draft.
So the Pakistan experience cannot be equated with Terengganu.
The fact that the skeptics needed to quote the Zafran Bibi’s case out
of context shows that there exists little or no evidence proving the
injustice of hudud laws in Pakistan. This is in spite of repeated
unsubstantiated claims made by bodies such as Human Rights Commission of
Q6: Implementation of Hudud does not guarantee free from crime society
simple comparison between Saudi Arabia and the State Of New York will
show that the State of New York has recorded and will always continue to
record a much higher rate of crime compared to Saudi Arabia at any
given time for any given period.
In a statement released by the US Justice Department and reported by Reuters on 26 August 2002 says that:
number of Americans in jail or under supervision by authorities as a
result of crimes grew by 2.3 percent by year-end 2001 to almost 6.6
million Americans, or one in every 32 adults, the government said on
Q7: Hudud punishment is harsh and inhumane which contradicts human rights
1) The Principles of Justice in any Jurisprudence text can be roughly summarized in 5 pillars:
A) A law recognized by the people
B) Public Prosecution
C) Open hearing and rights to council
D) Independence Judiciary
E) Rights to Appeal
The Hudud not only satisfies these 5 pillars but also exceeds them by any standard. Therefore how can Hudud be contradictory to Human Rights?
2) While it's true that the punishment may seem a bit harsher then that of Penal Code, but the Standard of Proof in Hudud is much higher then the one used in Penal Code. In other words, to get a conviction under Hudud is not a simple as the proof needed to convict someone is of a higher standard then that of the Malaysian Penal Code.
3) In Hudud,
convictions is done BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT while in the Penal code
convictions can be achieved if the case if only proven Beyond Any
Reasonable Doubt.
4) From the statement above, it's clear that with the rising of harshness of Hudud punishment, the Standard of Evidence that is needed to convict someone under hudud also increases.
For instance, in the Penal Code, a liar's testimony in court can be accepted by the judge as evidence while in hudud cases a liars testimony is totally rejected and will not be accepted in any cases. The comparison is as follow:
Penal Code
In the cases Khoon Chye Hin vs Public Prosecutor and Gulwant Singh v Abdul Khalid,
the judge observed that even though the witness had been proven to be a
liar on one of two points, it was wrong to reject whole of his evidence
although it is the duty of the judge to treat the witness with caution.
However, it would not be enough to reject the witness altogether
(Nathan, A Practical Approach to Evidence, p225)
Islamic Penal Code
late Justice Hamoodur Rahman former Chief Justice of Pakistan who was
also the Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology, states that:
A person who gives false testimony should be declared to be incompetent
to give evidence in any other case and a register should be maintained
of such witnesses”
(Rahman, “Some Aspect Of Islamic Law Of Evidence”, in Essays on Islam, p229)
Q8: Case Studies:
What if a prostitute was arrested for fornication or adultery under
hudud. The reason for her action is that she relies on prostitution to
provide for her and her family as she is living in poverty?
Answer: She will not get the hudud punishment and instead the government agencies that is supposed to support her will held responsible.
What if a woman who converted to Islam due to marriage and after that
gets a divorce while during the marriage the husband neglected her
education on Islam and left her ignorant and uninformed enough about
Islam to embraced it for the rest of her life. Should she wants to
remarry and decides to leave her religion, will she be subjected to the
death penalty under hudud?
NO, considering that her conversion to Islam was not entirely by her
free will out of a well informed decision. There are credible doubts
about he conversion in Islam whether it was due to her deep
understanding or was it due to mere feelings without any self conviction
for converting. In fact, her husband can be punish by the court under takzeer.
3) If somebody is caught stealing for food or out of desperation or dire need for money. Will his hand be chopped off?
NO, because the chopping of hands punishment does not apply to those
who steal out of hunger or dire needs, a wife stealing from her husband
for sustenance, stealing of public property, stealing of articles that
is small in quantity and many more.
When a woman is accused under hudud for fornication or adultery and she
is pregnant out of wed lock, is her claim of rape enough to justify a
doubt in her case
Answer: YES,
a mere claim of rape is sufficient to constitute a doubt in a case
provided that the women has never been proven as a liar and has an
unquestionable background.
Q9: Does hudud
law destroys personal freedom in which there will be a massive movement
towards enforcing the law even within the four walls of your home?
It is actually the opposite. Spying on individuals to find faults that can lead to hudud convictions is PROHIBITED in Islam. Should there be an enforcement unit on hudud, they are not allowed to spy or send undercover agents to extract evidence that can be used against an individual or a group.
The practice is shown by Prophet Muhammad himself when he deliberately ignored confessions of a hudud
offender the first time he hears the confession and try his best not to
allow the offender to confess. To spy on an individual is exactly the
opposite of what the Prophet had done.
Q10: Women are prohibited to become witnesses in Hudud and Qisas
cases except in certain instances. This constitutes exclusion of women
from the process of justice thus denoting them as being unreliable,
untrustworthy, and incapable of being witnesses
0In fact, a woman IS allowed to testify Hudud cases. The difference is that their testimony will not be
sufficient to get a hudud conviction. If that is the case, then the testimony will be sufficient for a At Takzir conviction.
I’ve heard the response made by MB of Terengganu on this issue and he
clearly state that the rule is to lift the burden of being a witness to
women as Islam views the act of witnessing as responsibility and not a form of privilege. A witness will be reponsible for one's testimony until the Day of Judgment.
3) To quote from the Pakistan’s experience, Justice Tanzilur Rahman says:
neither any petition has so far been made before the court nor any
objection has been taken in any appeal that the exclusion of evidence of
women and that of non-muslims under the Hudud Ordinance for the
offense liable to hadd punishment was AGAINST THE INJUNCTIONS OF ISLAM.
The Federal Syariah court as well did not find anything wrong with
these provisions” (Rahman, “Some aspects of the Islamic Law Of Evidence”, Lahore, Islamic Publication (PVT) Limited, 1988, pg 235)
Q11: Women in countries implementing Hudud laws are victimized through Qazaf provisions
combined with the acceptance of pregnancy-out-of-wed-lock evidence.
This will specifically victimized rape victims and let the rapists go
1) As the case of Zafran Bibi, often quoted by Hudud skeptics, shows that the need for 4 witnesses is unnecessary for rape cases.
2) To date, no rape victims have ever been subjected to Hudud punishment. The best that Hudud skeptics
can come up with are cases which in the end ended up with total
dismissal of the cases and the accused are released from custody.
All of the so called "evidences" comes from basically two states:
Nigeria and Pakistan. All of which have a relatively little experience
in the implementation of Jinayah. Countries with a long experience of implementation are not mentioned in their list i.e. Saudi Arabia. Isn’t this strange
In spite of this, no credible cases of mistreatment of women in both
Nigeria and Pakistan can be quoted to date. All there is just cases
like misquoted cases like Zafran Bibi mentioned above.
In the context of Malaysian Democracy, if the Malaysian community
decides not to accept the law, will the Terengganu government push
forward it’s implementation?
1) The implementation Hudud
on muslims was contained in PAS’es Terengganu State manifesto before
the 1999 elections. When PAS was voted into power in 1999 implementing
it is merely a fulfillment of it's election promises.
Q13: Non-Muslims cannot be witnesses in the criminal cases listed under Hudud seems
grossly unfair. The underlying assumption that non-Muslims are somehow
‘lower’ than Muslims implies that non-Muslims can be treated as
second-class citizens.
1) Non Muslims are allowed to testify in Hudud cases. THe only difference is that their testimony will not be sufficient for a hudud conviction and will only lead to a Takzir conviction
2) However, in cases where there is an absence of any muslim witnesses, the testimony of a non muslim will be accpeted for a hudud conviction with two conditions:
A) He/She has never been proven to be a liar
B) He/She is a believer of a religion and practices his/her religion.
The religion of a witness is also not an alien concept to the English
law as well. In the 17th century, the religion of a witness is placed
with great emphasis and excluded the evidence of non-Christians and
atheists because they did not believe in God, and they were therefore regarded as incompetent to be witness. (M.N. Howard, Phipson On Evidence, 14th Ed. Phara, 9-06. See also, Cross, Cross on Evidence, 7th ed., p2002)
A- In the case of Bowmen v Secular Society Limited (1917) Appeal case 406, Lord
Summer said:
“ ours is and always has been a Christian state. The English family is built on
Christian ideas, and if the national religion is not Christian there is none. English
law may be called a Christian law, but we apply many of its rules and most of it’s
principles with equally good government, in heathen communities and it’s
sections, even in courts of conscience they are material and not spiritual”
(Abdul Malik Bappa Muhammad, Supremacy of Islamic Law, p.68.)
B- Furthermore, Justice Jeremy Bentham has said that it is good enough if the witness
believes in some kind of divine punishment, although it need not be as bad as hell-fire
(J.R., Spencer & RH, Flin, The Evidence of Children:The Law and the Psychology,
London:Blackstone Press, p 49).
C- The English Law of Evidence on this particular matter clearly provides that a
witness should take an oath in the manner of appropriate to his or her religious faith.
(Phipson on Evidence, p.158)
It is in fact that the Islamic Penal Code is not alone in using the
religion quality for a witness as it has been used before and even now
in the western world.
In addition, the issue of non muslims becoming second class is non
existence considering that it is the choice of the Non-Muslims
themselves not to be governed by the law and they disqualify their
rights to become witnesses since they chose to disqualify themselves.
Q14: Does the hudud law covers non muslims as well?
No and it is stated clearly in the recently passed Terengganu Syariah Enactment II
Q15: The fact that there was ambivalence showed by the Terengganu PAS leaders towards the applicability of hudud on non-Muslims is also disturbing. Assurances that non-Muslims would not be judged under hudud were mixed together with statements saying that non-Muslims would inevitably want to be included in a hudud justice system because of its inherent fairness.
1) What was actually said was that non muslims will eventually covered under the “Hudud” law by their own choice upon seeing the effectiveness and the goodness of the law.
2) The Terengganu State government is very clear on this and adamant too.
Muslim apostates will be killed also sits very uneasily with the
Constitutional Provisions that there is freedom of religion in Malaysia.
Death penalty to apostates is akin to punishment of treason for most
countries in the world. The default punishment for treason even in
democracies like USA and Britain is always death. Apostasy is treason
against GOD and it is of a higher level of treason then that of treason
against your country. The logic is there.
The death penalty to apostates will actually not be contradictory to
the Constitution of Malaysia because in the same Constitution there
contain the provision of freedom of religion. The death penalty is
actually part of a religious law which it’s practices is protected by
the Constitution. In addition, the Constitution too stipulates that
Islam is the official religion.
Q17: What is the weight of circumstantial evidence and expert opinion in hudud law?
1) Circumstantial evidence is sufficient to provide doubt in favor of the accused in a hudud case, such that a person under trial for a hudud case
can be freed on doubts provided by circumstantial evidence. For
instance, a a fingerprint search at a crime scene can prove that an
accused was never at the crime scene at all and can therefore be freed
on hudud charges
In Islamic evidence law, circumstantial evidence (i.e. DNA testing,
carbon dating, fingerprint testing, blood analysis, other chemical tests
etc) and expert opinion ARE taken into consideration only for cases involving TAKZEER should there be no other evidence available.
3) Circumstantial evidence will NOT be SUFFICIENT to get a CONVICTION in hudud cases. It does, however, serve as a corroborative to the conclusive evidence needed to prove a hudud case.
4) The Arabic or technical term for Circumstantial evidence in Islamic Evidence law is Al Qarinah.
Q18: Is Hudud gender bias?.
Hudud is NOT gender bias in the sense that none of the offenses and punishment under hudud are dedicated for a certain gender. All of it's punishment are meant for ALL GENDER.
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Roman","serif";} Beza Perhimpunan UMNO Dengan Muktamar PAS
Posted on Monday, December 03 @ 20:39:56 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjualCendol
Oleh Shahbudin Hussin
Perhimpunan Agung UMNO tahun ini yang berakhir semalam diadakan hanya berselang dua minggu dengan Muktamar Agung PAS yang diadakan di Kota Bharu pertengahan bulan lalu. Kedua-duanya, UMNO dan PAS saling menyedari bahawa perhimpunan dan muktamar tahun ini adalah yang terakhir sebelum piliharaya umum diadakan.
UMNO berhimpun kali ini dalam suasana ketakutan hilang kuasa, sementara PAS pula dalam keghairahan mahu menggenggam kuasa.
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