8.5 Juta Orang Masuk Islam Ditangan Dr. Abdur Rahman As-Sumayt
Posted on Saturday, August 31 @ 21:42:00 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh Juragan
Innaa Lillaahi wa Innaa Ilaihi Raji'un.
8.5 juta masyarakat Afrika masuk Islam di tangannya dengan izin Allah,
Dr. Abdur Rahman as-Sumayt meninggalkan dunia dengan amal jariah yang
pahalanya terus mengalir InsyaAllah. Wafat pada hari khamis 15/08/2013.
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه
Mungkin, banyak di antara kita yang tidak mengenali beliau. Berikut riwayat singkat tentang da'i besar ini .
8.5 Juta Nasrani masuk islam di Tangannya
dalam foto ini mengidap diabetes sejak lama dan telah tiga kali
diserang trombosit (pembuluh darah tersumbat) di kepala dan hatinya.
Dalam keadaan seperti ini, orang biasa seperti kita mungkin sudah putus
asa, atau paling tidak pun akan melemahkansemangat hidup, atau keinginan
Tapi tidak dengan beliau. Dengan keadaan seperti ini
dia telah menghabiskan 30 tahun dari umurnya mengembara di Afrika,
berdakwah dan melebarkan keagungan islam.
Beliau adalah Syekh Dr. Abdur Rahman as-Sumayt.
yang berasal dari Kuwait ini telah mengislamkan 5 juta kaum nashrani
Afrika selama 30 tahun dakwahnya. Pahala amal baik dan ibadah ke-5 juta
orang ini akan mengalir kepada beliau selama hidupnya dan setelah dia
wafat, InsyaAllah. Bayangkan bila setiap satu keluarga dari mereka
memilki dua atau tiga anak, berapa banyak pahala yang akan dilimpahkan
kepada da'i yang telah menghabiskan sebahagian besar dari hidupnya di
Benua Afrika ini .
Kejadian yang sangat mengharukan dan acap kali
membuat beliau berlinang air mata, adalah ketika dia menyaksikan
sekumpulan orang dari negeri sahabat Bilal bin Rabah ini menunjukkan
jari telunjuknya ke langit dan berucap: " Asyhadu Allaa Ilaaha Illallaah
... Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadan Rasuulullaah ".
Kemudian mereka
menangis tersedu-sedu, ditambah dengan mengingati ayah ibu mereka mati
dalam kekafiran. Ramai dari mereka berkata: "Di mana kalian wahai kaum
muslimin? mengapa baru sekarang kalian datang? "
Sudah sering
kali beliau menghadapi ancaman pembunuhan oleh beberapa militan kafir
dan kerap juga beliau diserang oleh ular tedung.
bercerita: "Saya pernah memandu kereta bersendirian ratusan kilometer
menuju sebuah kampung di pedalaman Afrika. Di tengah jalan kereta
mengalami kerosakan dan saya terpaksa berjalan kaki sehingga selipar
saya putus. Pada saat yang sama saya melihat seorang mubaligh terbang
dengan helikopter di atas saya. "
Tapi sesungguh Allah itu Maha
Adil: "Sesungguhnya Kami menolong rasul-rasul Kami dan orang -orang yang
beriman dalam kehidupan dunia dan pada hari berdirinya saksi- saksi (
hari kiamat)". ( QS. Al-Mukmin/Ghafir : 51)
satu temu bual di televisyen Kuwait dia bercerita : "Pada suatu masa
yang lalu ketika saya berdakwah di Afrika, hanya dalam beberapa hari
sudah ratusan orang masuk islam. Kemudian seorang mubaligh Katholik
datang kepada saya dan berkata dengan penuh tanda tanya: ' Aku dan
bapakku lahir di sini, dan datuk saya telah tiba di sini kira-kira
seratus tahun yang lalu untuk melaksanakan misi kristianisasi tapi hanya
sedikit yang berjaya kami kristiankan. Sedangkan kalian hanya dalam
beberapa hari berada di sini telah berjaya mengislamkan ratusan orang? '
Subhanalla..., ini kerana Islam adalah fitrah setiap manusia.
Abdur Rahman as-Sumayt juga menubuhkan Yayasan Al- 'Aun Al - Mubasyir
yang berpusat di Kuwait. Yayasan ini sudah mencapai pelbagai prestasi
dalam bidang dakwah dan kemanusiaan, di antaranya:
1. Mencetak 3288 Da'i , majoriti dari mereka adalah yang masuk islam di tangan beliau .
2. Membina 1200 masjid .
3. Membantu 9500 anak yatim.
4. Membuat 2750 paip air dari punca bawah tanah.
5. Sumbangan berupa 160 tan bahan makanan, pakaian, dan ubat- ubatan.
6. Membahagikan 51 juta mushaf Al -Qur'an.
7. Membina 102 Islamic center.
8. Mengadakan 1450 daurah dan bimbingan kegamaan .
9. Pendidikan untuk 95000 anak muslim yang miskin.
10. Mendirikan 200 pusat latihan kemahiran sekaligus membuka peluang pekerjaan bagi wanita muslimah.
*Diterjemahkan oleh Detik Islam dari sumber peribadirasulullah.wordpress.com
Sumber: Detik Islam
Nazri Cadang Anwar Bawa Usul Dialog Isu Kebangsaan Ke Dewan Rakyat
Posted on Sunday, September 01 @ 13:25:31 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh Juragan
31 Ogos (Bernama) -- Menteri Pelancongan dan Kebudayaan Datuk Seri
Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz mencadangkan supaya Ketua Pembangkang Datuk
Seri Anwar Ibrahim membawa usul mengenai dialog isu kebangsaan ke
persidangan Dewan Rakyat yang akan datang.
Dengan itu, katanya
perbincangan itu dapat dilakukan secara telus dan terbuka oleh semua
pihak malah dapat disampaikan terus kepada rakyat.
"Apa sahaja
perkara yang hendak dibincang, dirunding, (kita) bawa dalam Parlimen
sebab kita kena telus tentang perkara ini supaya rakyat tahu," katanya
kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.
Terdahulu beliau merasmikan
Majlis Sambutan 50 Tahun Muzium Negara dan melancarkan duit syiling
peringatan serta setem sempena sambutan jubli emas itu.
Nazri berkata beliau hanya bersetuju sesi dialog itu diadakan jika
Anggota Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu mahu berbuat demikian secara jujur
dengan kerajaan.
Namun, beliau berpendapat Anwar membuat keputusan itu setelah mendapati pengaruhnya semakin tergugat.
Nazri diminta mengulas laporan portal berita yang memetik Anwar sebagai
mengajak kerajaan berdialog untuk membincangkan isu kebangsaan yang
perlu ditangani bersama pembangkang atas semangat merdeka.
mengenai Anwar yang masih tidak mahu menerima persempadanan semula
kawasan pilihan raya oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) selagi pengerusi
dan timbalan pengerusinya tidak meletak jawatan, Mohamed Nazri berkata
permintaan ketua pembangkang itu menunjukkan hakikat sebenar bahawa
beliau tidak mahu sebarang rundingan.
Mengulas mengenai dakwaan
40,000 pengundi hantu warga Bangladesh dibawa masuk pada pilihan raya
umum lepas, beliau berkata sehingga kini tiada satu pun petisyen yang
dihantar Anwar ke mahkamah berkenaan isu itu.
Mohamed Nazri
berkata Anwar seharusnya menggunakan pendekatan persidangan di Parlimen
sebagai langkah terbaik untuk berbincang kerana ia meliputi semua pihak
agar rakyat dapat melihat keadaan yang berlaku tanpa menyembunyikan
fakta sebenar.
Keadaan Sekitar Komuter Jepun Tahun 60-an
Posted on Sunday, September 01 @ 14:00:00 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh memo
Blog Pen Patah
Keadaan Sekitar Komuter Jepun Pada Tahun 60-an dan 70-an.
No DVD Drive On Your Tablet Or Notebook? Use An Old Laptop Drive Instead!
Posted on Sunday, September 01 @ 13:07:03 MYT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh Juragan
By Christian Cawley
One of the drawbacks of running a Windows 8 tablet as my main computer is the lack of an optical drive. While Mac OS X users have seen Apple explicitly remove the DVD drives from the MacBook Air
over the past couple of years, there has been little from Microsoft
indicating that this was going to be likely. Only those of us with an
eye for a trend, knowledge of Microsoft’s habit of borrowing ideas from
Apple and recognition of the general move towards digital distribution
might have seen this coming.
More and more Windows computers are
shipping without optical drives, and this is a phenomenon that exists
beyond the tablet PC. The lack of a DVD drive might prevent you from
installing your favourite apps or checking archive discs – even ripping
your old CDs and DVDs.
Fortunately, there are workarounds. Recently, we showed you how to share an optical drive across your home network.
We also mentioned within that article that it is relatively simple to
convert a laptop DVD drive into an external optical drive by way of an
Let’s see just how simple…
What You Will Need
are two main components for converting your removable laptop DVD drive
into an external drive. The first, naturally, is the drive; this is
the compact “slimline” form factor that has more recently been
incorporated into some of the desktop computers that still ship with
optical drives.
Along with this, you will need a external
enclosure or housing kit, a relatively cheap device that will house
your DVD drive and provide the necessary adaptor and power supply. You
should be able to find something suitable on eBay or Amazon (such as this generic caddy).
housing pictured below is for an IDE/PATA optical drive, and will of
course be useless for a device with a SATA connector. Make sure you buy
the correct housing with compatible connectors before you re-purpose
your slimline drive in this way!
make the conversion, you will also need a suitable screwdriver. You
can check exactly which size you need when you receive the housing kit.
that although this guide is only for removable drives, some fixed DVD
drives might also be compatible. Of course you will only know this from
stripping down your laptop – something that you shouldn’t do unless
your computer has broken beyond repair.
Removing the DVD Drive from Your Laptop
the easiest step, removal of your DVD drive is usually made possible
thanks to a thumb-sized eject lever to the right or left of the DVD
tray. Pushing this in enables you to remove the drive (which will be
connected to the motherboard on the USB bus, although not with a USB
connector) and remove it from the laptop.
are other methods of removing your slimline optical drive. For
instance, as pictured above, there is often a locking screw that needs
to be removed before the drive can be ejected. Other ejection options
might involve several locking screws. Removal of such devices might
require a pulling or levering the drive out. There might also be a
catch, similar to the one often used to remove a laptop battery, that
unlocks the optical drive for removal. For the best preparation, find
the technical guide for your laptop to confirm the correct procedure.
do laptop manufacturers enable the removal of DVD drives? It’s mainly
so that you can easily add upgrades; for instance, you might want to
add a slimline Blu-ray drive to your laptop, or perhaps use the bay to
add a larger hard disk drive.
Again, as mentioned previously,
this guide is focused on explicitly removable optical drives – those
with a lock and/or catch as described. Removal of a suitable optical
device from within a sealed laptop (one with no facility to eject the
device) will depend on the computer and the manufacturer’s
Preparing the Enclosure
you unpack the disc drive enclosure, you should notice that it comes
in three parts. First is the main housing, into which the optical drive
will be slipped. There should also be a new draw cover for your
slimline drive, and four small screws.
you should see a long thin piece of circuit board, onto which the
connectors will be mounted. One side of this will have a plug suitable
for connecting to the slimline drive; flipping it over you will see two
USB connectors. The kit should also ship with two USB cables (one data,
one power), both of which will be required.
You should start by
detaching the draw cover from your optical drive; this can be done by
removing the screws found on the underside of the ejected disc drawer.
You’ll also need to detach the eject mechanism from the side of the
drive. When these have been removed, attach the new drive cover – this
will be narrower and designed to work with the housing.
Once this is done, plug the connector strip into the back of your optical drive.
Fitting the DVD into the Caddy
the hard part out of the way! All you should need to do now is place
the optical drive into the lower half of your caddy/housing, keeping an
eye on the support pins, then drop the top half into place, snapping it
closed as you go. When this is done, fix it together using the screws
are a couple of ways in which you might go wrong here. First, you
could slip up by over-tightening the screws, as mentioned above. They
need to be firmly tightened, but keep an eye on the case for any signs
of distortion or crystallisation of the plastic, and slacken the screws
if you see this.
You should also repeatedly test the eject
button on your optical drive as you adjust the screws, in order to
ensure that it doesn’t catch the housing as you insert and remove
If everything is attached and opening and closing smoothly, you can get ready to test your new low-cost external optical drive!
Connecting the Drive to Your Computer
Now you’re done fitting the housing together, it’s time to connect your external DVD drive to your computer.
devices typically ship with two USB cables, although only one is for
data; the second is a power lead. If you can find a suitable adaptor
that won’t burn your DVD drive out then by all means use this, but the
USB power cable is a reasonable alternative. It does mean, of course,
that you will need two spare USB ports on your computer or hub.
connected, the drive should appear under My Computer, along with all
other storage devices. Remember that it is being detected as a USB
device, so if it isn’t listed, try restarting your computer.
Conclusion: An External DVD Drive for Pennies!
always good to be able to retrieve something of use from old hardware,
whether it be a stick of memory, an old keyboard or even a storage
device. While it is easy enough to fix your slimline optical drive into
one of these housings, it’s perhaps a shame that they’re not already
designed for easy connection to a desktop computer (or even a different
laptop) without the plastic case being fitted.
however, this is one of the best cannibalisation projects for owners
of old laptops, so when you’re looking online for a new external
optical drive, just think about the one sitting in your old notebook,
and use it!
Have you already connected your laptop DVD drive to
your PC? Perhaps you’ve discarded all of your optical drives and discs
already (after all, there are several alternatives and creating ISO files is much easier now)? Let us know in the comments.
HATI JADI MATI JIKA 40 HARI TIDAK MENUNTUT ILMU ISLAM DAN 3 HARI HATI JADI SAKIT...KERANA IA MAKANAN HATI...HEBAH2KAN GAN KAWAN2 BLOG NI..TK KERANA SERING MELAYARI BLOG INI. رَبِّيْ اشْرَحْ لِيْ صَدْرِيْ وَيَسِّرْ لِيْ أَمْرِيْ Tuhanku (Allah) lapangkanlah dadaku dan permudahkanlah urusanku.. amin...سُبْحَانَ اللهِ، وَالْحَمْدُ للهِ وَلاَ اِلٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ وَاللهُ اَكْبَرُلاحول ولا قوّة إلاّ باللّه العظيم.... وَالـــــسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُـــمْ وَرَحْمَـــة ُاللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُـــهُ
Ahad, 1 September 2013
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