Selasa, 1 Mei 2012


BERSIH 3.0: Wanita usia 71 tahun dakwa ditumbuk polis pada muka
Posted on Sunday, April 29 @ 17:24:38 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Oleh Chen Wen SeeAunty Ah Mei, seorang makcik berusia 71 tahun mengadu bahawa dirinya ditumbuk oleh polis pada bahagian mukanya, dan lengan tangannya tercedera dipulas, malah diheret secara kasar ke dalam kereta.  Seorang lagi tahanan pula mendakwa bahawa jumlah tahanan yang dibawa ke Pusat Latihan Polis (PULAPOL) mencecah kira-kira 700 orang, dan bukannya 300 lebih sebagaimana yang diumumkan polis.

Dua orang tahanan, Aunty Ah Mei dan Liu Yang menghadiri sidang media yang diadakan ahli parlimen Cheras, Tan Kok Wai di stesen LRT Masjid Jamek.  Turut hadir bersama termasuk Teresa Kok, Tan Seng Giaw, Lim Lip Eng, Lau Weng San dan lain-lain.  Bilangan peserta perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 mencapai kemuncaknya di Jalan Tun Perak, semalam.

Aunty Ah Mei mengadu bahawa polis mengheret bajunya, kemudian beliau ditumbuk seorang polis perempuan pada mukanya, di bahagian tengah-tengah antara hidung dengan mulut.  Ah Mei bimbang giginya gugur ditumbuk, lantas dengan marahnya menendang polis perempuan itu.  Pegawai polis dalam kereta polis pula menghalang polis wanita itu untuk terus memukul tahanan, barulah Aunty Ah Mei terselamat daripada dicederakan selanjutnya.

Aunty Ah Mei (gambar kanan) berasal dari Kuantan, pernah menarik perhatian media apabila berpuasa selama lima hari setelah doanya agar Anwar Ibrahim dibebaskan pada 9 Januari 2012 termakbul.  Aunty Ah Mei berjalan dari Jalan Raja Laut ke Jalan Tun Perak semalam, dua kali beliau nampak polis mengejar dan memukul peserta demonstrasi.  "Setengah mampus dibantai, sangat sedih saya lihatnya."

Aunty Ah Mei menangis di situ sebaik sahaja melihat buat kali pertama melihat polis memukul tiga orang.  Beliau bertutur dalam kantonis, menyifatkan polis sebagai "tidak berperikemanusiaan", kerana ramai antara yang dibelasah adalah anak muda yang kurus tubuh badannya.

Ah Mei menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana kira-kira 10 orang polis mengepung, menumbuk dan menerajang peserta perhimpunan.  Beliau mendapati polis menyasarkan bahagian kepala peserta, dan mengheret peserta ke kereta polis selepas memukulnya.

Ketika dirinya ditahan, beliau melihat ramai pemuda yang luka pada bahagian kepala sehingga berdarah.  Ah Mei mendakwa dirinya mampu mengecam wajah polis yang memukul dirinya dan orang lain, menawarkan dirinya untuk mengecam muka polis seandainya polis mahu menyiasat.

Selain itu, Liu Yang (gambar kiri), 55, tahanan pertama yang dibawa ke Royal Selangor Club untuk ditahan sementara, melihat kebanyakan tahanan dipukul sehingga bahagian kepalanya berdarah.  Malah, setelah ditahan, polis masih meneruskan serangan dengan menumbuk dan menendang tahanan.

Liu Yang berkata salah seorang tahanan cedera parah pada bahagian kepala, hanya dibalut dengan kain baju.  Tahanan tersebut separuh pengsan keadaannya.  Liu Yang meminta agar polis mendapatkan rawatan perubatan untuk tahanan tersebut, namun tidak dipedulikan.  Selepas dua jam, seluruh tubuh tahanan tersebut dibasahi darah.

*Chan Wei See ialah Ketua Pengarang MerdekaReview. Disedut dan diterjemah dari teks asal.


Bersih 3.0: kekecohan berpunca dari tindakan Unit Cawangan Khas polis
Posted on Sunday, April 29 @ 19:34:22 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Oleh MOHAMMAD FAIRUZ JUMAIN KUALA LUMPUR - Pas mendakwa bahawa segala provokasi yang disaksikan semasa perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 semalam berpunca dari tindakan Unit Cawangan Khas polis, dan bukan disebabkan pihaknya.

Timbalan Presiden Pas, Mohamad Sabu berkata, penyokong Bersih 3.0 tetap berada dalam keadaan terkawal walaupun jumlahnya mencecah puluhan ribu.

Malah menurut beliau, rempuhan yang berlaku di Dataran Merdeka jam 3 petang semalam dilakukan oleh individu profesional kerana mereka dapat boleh memotong kawat duri dalam tempoh singkat.

"Saya tegaskan tiada usaha dari pihak Bersih 3.0 yang mahu menceroboh, tidak ada. Saya dan beberapa pemimpin ada di situ, kami yang bertugas mengawal dan menghalang supaya jangan ceroboh Dataran Merdeka.

"Kekecohan ini berlaku kerana kawat duri itu dipotong, oleh itu pihak polis perlu siasat siapa yang memotong dan dakwa individu itu di mahkamah," katanya pada sidang media di sini, hari ini.

Sementara itu, Pengerusi Lajnah Guaman Pas Pusat, Asmuni Awi berkata, anggota polis yang bertugas dalam Ops Aman di sekitar Dataran Merdeka bertindak di luar kawalan.

Menurutnya, pada hari tersebut beliau bertugas sebagai peguam dan disertai oleh 70 peguam lain bagi membantu peserta Bersih 3.0 sekiranya mereka ditahan.

"Walaupun saya memakai baju rasmi peguam saya, rambut saya juga ditarik, ditendang dan dikasari oleh anggota polis. Anak saya yang juga peguam turut dikasari.

"Anggota-anggota polis ini macam 'African wild dog', tidak berakhlak, malah lebih teruk dari polis Israel," katanya.

Katanya, ketika kejadian, beliau dikerumuni 10 anggota polis dan memukulnya.

Dakwanya lagi, ketika ditahan semua 'ground commander' telah hilang kerana tidak mahu bertanggungjawab.

Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Pas Pusat, Dr Hatta Ramli pula meminta polis menangkap individu yang dikatakan bertindak mengasari polis di sekitar Sogo.

"Tangkap mereka ini, gambar semuanya ada, jika tidak dapat tangkap maka polis ada banyak kelemahan. Kalau tidak dapat tangkap... apa barang...," katanya.

Tolong jangan rakam ! kami buat kerja kami...kah kah kah
Posted on Sunday, April 29 @ 07:05:03 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Blog KeretaBuruk

Main tunding2 pulak! ingat negara ni kepala bapak kau yg punya?! duit gaji lu rakyat bayar tau...baruahhh...berkat sangat lah gaji lu tu...bagi anak bini makan...




Polis paksa perempuan buka baju Bersih ketika mahu solat Maghrib
Posted on Sunday, April 29 @ 05:08:18 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Oleh Masdar WahidKUALA LUMPUR: Polis memaksa perempuan yang memakai baju Bersih menanggalkannya ketika mahu menunaikan solat Maghrib, kata Pengerusi Srikandi KEADILAN, Siti Aishah Sheikh Ismail.

Mengecam arahan yang dibuat di Masjid Jamek, beliau yang berada di situ menyifatkannya sebagai sangat biadab dan tidak menghormati martabat wanita.

Wanita ini ke Masjid untuk solat Maghrib, ada antara mereka berehat sambil menunggu LRT dibuka. Masa itulah, sekumpulan polis meluru masuk ke masjid beramai-ramai.

“Polis ugut wanita agar buka baju atau kena tangkap,” katanya kepada Keadilan Daily dan beliau sedang mengumpul bukti lengkap berkaitan insiden itu.

“Semalam, mangsa menemui saya dan memberitahu bersedia memberi bukti video berhubung kebiadaban polis itu.

“Saya masih menunggu bukti dalam bentuk gambar dan video dari sekumpulan wanita yang dipaksa membuka baju,” katanya lagi.

Difahamkan, ketika kejadian beberapa LRT termasuk Masjid Jamek dan stesen Bandaraya dihenti operasi dipercayai bagi menghalang sebahagian peserta Bersih merakam adegan keganasan polis kepada peserta sekitar kawasan itu.
 Dua peserta Bersih 3.0 cedera parah
Posted on Saturday, April 28 @ 09:11:29 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Oleh MediaPemantangPauh

Dua peserta Bersih 3.0 cedera parah dan dimasukkan ke wad kecemasan Hospital Kuala Lumpur petang tadi.

Haji Habizal bin Nadzir dikatakan cedera pada kepalanya akibat terkena tembakan botol gas pemedih mata yang dilepaskan oleh polis.

Beliau kini ditempatkan ke wad kecemasan HKL. Seorang lagi, Su Kwang Hong cedera akibat dilanggar oleh kereta polis ketika bersama-sama orang ramai dalam perhimpunan itu.

Beliau juga dilaporkan parah dan sedang dirawat di wad kecemasan HKL. Menurut sumber, ramai lagi yang cedera semasa perhimpunan kali ini sedang dirawat di HKL.

Mereka ditempatkan di wad bersebelahan dengan wad kecemasan dan tidak dibenarkan orang awam melawatnya. 
 Lagi pelatih PLKN meninggal dunia
Posted on Saturday, April 28 @ 18:54:48 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

  Oleh: amkns

"NS trainee in coma dies - 27 Apr 2012 NILAI: Nineteen-year-old A. Tamilarasi who slipped into a coma after a bout of fever while undergoing national service training at a camp in Port Dickson in February last year has died.

The only daughter of former lorry driver K. Anandan, 42, and housewife A. Krishnamary, 41, died at the Tuanku Ja'afar Hospital on Wednesday evening.
She had been warded for high fever. Tamilarasi, who was in the hospital for more than a year, had been in semi-comatose state and relied on a ventilator to help her breathe. 
Doctors, who failed to diagnose her illness, said her chances of recovery were remote. Anandan said Tamilarasi was discharged in February after doctors did not see any improvement in her condition. 
“We had to bring her home as there was no other option. We cared for her the best we could. She fell ill again on Tuesday and was warded but died the next day,” said Anandan at his home in Taman Desa Cempaka near here. 
Anandan said they had only been feeding milk to Tamilarasi since she first fell ill. Tamilarasi enrolled at the PDS Resort NS camp in Pasir Panjang, Port Dickson, on Jan 2, 2010 but fell ill a fortnight later. Anandan was shocked to see his daughter's condition when he went to bring her home for the Chinese New Year holidays and admitted her to a hospital on Feb 8, last year.
She slipped into a coma. Anandan even lost his job then as his wife and he had to take turns to look after Tamilarasi. “My two boys, aged 20 and 16, were already working to help make ends meet. We had no choice as we had taken loans to look after Tamilarasi,” he said, adding that it cost the family RM200 a week to buy a special formula and diapers for their daughter. 
“As far as I am concerned, my daughter fell ill while she was undergoing NS training. Someone has to be responsible for her death.” Tamilarasi was buried at a Christian cemetery in Sg Pelek, Sepang. 

 Mereka Zalimmm…Ini Buktinya - Menarik dari Blog PinkTurtle2
Posted on Saturday, April 28 @ 07:55:01 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Blog PinkTurtle2

Menurut polis, sehingga jam 7 petang tadi, seramai 222 orang telah ditahan Kesalahannya Apa? Demo secara Aman,bertukar menjadi kelam kabut akibat kezaliman polis depa tembak dengan Gas pemedih mata,sembur dengan air kimia
beginikah caranya kerajaan melayan tuntutan rakyat jelata ?

Protesters charge at a police vehicle as it sprays them with its water cannons in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.

Police officers jump in the air to avoid tear gas shells thrown back by protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester kicks away a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
A protester throws back a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Protestors challenge police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police drag away an arrested protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police drag away a protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Macam negara tidak bertamadun….Tak malukah kita pada dunia yang menonton peristiwa ini…
Anti-riot police block protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor shows solidarity with an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
ALTERNATE CROP OF XKL124 - Protesters encounter Malaysian police, not in photo,  during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) officers, most of whom are not wearing gas masks, prepare to fire tear gas at protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors clash with police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police remove a protester sitting in front of riot police in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors clash with police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protesters take cover from tear gas fired by the police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A plain clothed police officer (R) takes aways a protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A foreign protester was arrested by police during a confrontation on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A protester lies in front of a water cannon truck during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
Protesters overturn a police car during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon. (AP Photo) MALAYSIA OUT.
Protestors flee as water canon is sprayed to disperse demonstrators during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protestors are surrounded by tear gas during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) fire tear gas towards protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Anti-riot police march to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor throws back a tear gas canister towards the police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) officers try to disperse a tear gas canister after a protester threw it back at them during a confrontation on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Anti-riot police fire tear gas to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.

Anti-riot police fire tear gas to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police scuffle with protesters during clashes in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
Riot police fire tear gas at protesters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.

Note: Gambar-gambar paling menarik daripada blog setakat ini. Kalau tak buka memang rugi - PK 

 Setakat ini 388 orang ditahan polis
Posted on Saturday, April 28 @ 07:32:21 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Oleh Penjaga Kubur

Menurut maklumat bersumber polis, setakat pukul 8.00 malam tadi 388 orang ditahan di pelbagai lokasi termasuk Prof. Dr Aziz Bari.

Pihak kami meminta pembaca bertenang dan mendapatkan sumber yang sah untuk sebarang maklumat termasuk apa yang disiarkan di laman ini. Kadang kala kita belum mendapatkan kepastian sesuatu berita. Apa yang disiarkan di sini dianggap sebagai penyebar maklumat awal.
Misalnya berita tentang kereta polis diterbalikkan. Banyak maklumat kami perolehi dan kami akan siarkan dengan gambar dan video. Tapi ada kalanya video, gambar atau maklumat itu belum lengkap sepenuhnya.

Jangan buat sebarang spekluasi tapi carilah maklumat lebih mendalam.

Video daripada Malaysiakini adalah terbalik untuk menjadi sambungan daripada video polis yang kami siarkan sebelum ini. 

Kereta dan motorsikal polis diterbalikkan
Posted on Saturday, April 28 @ 06:16:32 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Blog Lensahandphone

Pada sekitar 4.20 petang Sekumpulan orang ramai yang marah bertindak menterbalikkan kereta polis selepas mendakwa kereta itu melanggar peserta bersih di situ.

Ada yang terlalu emosi tak mengambil kira kesan tindakannya.

Nampaknya media UMNO/BN akan menggunakan isu ini sebagai senjata meneyrang perhimpunan aman BERSIH 3.0

Ini pun kes tersasar dan terbalik dalam kekecohan sahaja..

Pemuda Dungun

Webmaster: Video daripada pihak polis

 3 Gambar Paling Menarik untuk Bersih 3.0
Posted on Saturday, April 28 @ 06:01:48 PDT
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh PenjagaKubur

Blog Lensahandphone

Pandangan perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 28 April 2012. Anda boleh bayang bertapa ramainya rakyat mahukan Pilihan Raya ke 13 dijalankan secara bersih dan adil.

Bantahan Lynas terhadap kerajaan Pahang dengan Himpunan Hijau 3.0 juga diadakan bersama Bersih 3.0

Siapa yang begitu kreatif melatakkan papan tanda (kertas) aku tergolek lihat gambar ini..

* Klik gambar untuk besarkan bagi yang nak simpan

Pemuda Dungun

Note: pemilik blog menghantar gambar pembetulan dengan kata-kata harap maaf - PK

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